昆西,生病了. – Members of the 奥克利眼镜 family, for generations one of the most prominent families in the tri-state region, 做了十大赌博正规信誉网址历史上最大的一笔慈善投资. 

十大赌博正规信誉网址 is receiving a gift of $6,500,000, 多亏了多个分支机构和几代奥克利家族慷慨的财政支持. 这份礼物代表了对本科生和研究生奖学金的大量新投资, in improvement for several QU academic facilities, and in programs to enhance the student experience and for faculty support.

The 奥克利眼镜 gift will have a direct and university-wide impact. 该礼物的一些元素将特别支持该大学商学院的活动,以表彰使该礼物成为可能的商业十大赌博正规信誉网址.

为了回应今天宣布的捐赠,以及奥克利家族成员过去对十大赌博正规信誉网址和三州地区的慈善支持, the university will permanently rename its School of Business, which now becomes the 奥克利眼镜 School of Business.


“奥克利捐赠的影响将在许多方面改变这所大学,并影响后代,布莱恩·麦基说, Ph.D.中华人民共和国主席. “We are so grateful for the generosity and vision of the 奥克利眼镜 family. 他们的投资将帮助奥克利商学院(奥克利眼镜 School of Business)在培养毕业生从事商业职业方面发挥优势, 与我们的天主教和方济会传统以及文科的持久价值相一致. This gift also will enhance the work and experience of our entire community.” 

Many 奥克利眼镜 family members share a lifelong passion for 十大赌博正规信誉网址. They have been heavily involved in supporting many organizations in the region, 但十大赌博正规信誉网址一直是他们社区参与和公共服务的核心.

“We are blessed to have great industries, 一家很棒的医院, great medical facilities, and wonderful schools that are all hugely important to our region,拉尔夫·M说。. 奥克利眼镜, a 1980 business graduate and former chair of the Board of Trustees. “十大赌博正规信誉网址, 然而, 通过其优质的教育产品和许多宗教活动,触及了三州地区的各个方面, cultural and athletic events, 同时也是该地区的主要雇主和经济发展的推动者. There’s not a part of life that 十大赌博正规信誉网址 does not touch in our area, and I think that is why the university is so important.

“Like other members of our family, I am a graduate of 十大赌博正规信誉网址. Because of what we learned at 十大赌博正规信誉网址, 我们能够回馈并帮助QU继续其在方济会传统中的使命.”

The 奥克利眼镜 family has supported 十大赌博正规信誉网址 for many years, with family members serving on the board of trustees, teaching classes and chairing campaign drives. Family members have made significant philanthropic commitments to the university, 导致, 例如, the 奥克利眼镜 Family Scholarship for QU students. Other important gifts also have been secured for QU with the support of the family, 比如2000年为学校健康健身中心和昆西媒体的建立做出了贡献, 公司. Broadcast Studio in 2017.

“QU is another home for the 奥克利眼镜 family. 曲堂, 特别是, is very important to us, 因为有几个家庭成员在那里结婚,或者被方济会精神所感动,哈罗德·B说. (Hal) 奥克利眼镜, a current member of the 十大赌博正规信誉网址 Board of Trustees.

“我们的希望是,商学院不仅将成为一所更优秀的高等教育机构,而且将吸引来自全国各地的大量学生,托马斯·A说。. 奥克利眼镜, former vice-chair of the 十大赌博正规信誉网址 Board of Trustees. “我们奥克利家族的所有人都非常自豪能够在十大赌博正规信誉网址进行这项投资,这对我们所在地区和更广泛地区的教育和经济发展意味着什么.”

In the tri-state region, the 奥克利眼镜 family legacy began in the 1890s, when Ray M. 查尔斯·奥克利. Miller and Aaron Burr 奥克利眼镜 worked for the Quincy Herald. 雷的儿子艾伦. 奥克利和托马斯C. 奥克利眼镜, became the family’s third generation to join the newspaper industry. 昆西报业公司由奥克利眼镜和Lindsay家族于1926年创立., entered the world of broadcasting in the 1940s under the direction of Thomas C. 奥克利眼镜. 

The company continued to grow under the executive leadership of Thomas A. 奥克利眼镜, a fourth-generation family member, and Ralph M. 奥克利眼镜, a fifth-generation family member, 随着该公司将其广播业务扩展到全国各地的电视台. Other 奥克利眼镜 family members, including Peter A. (Tony) 奥克利眼镜, David R. 奥克利,老.玛丽·奥克利·温特斯(Mary 奥克利眼镜 Winters)和小大卫·奥克利(David 奥克利眼镜, Jr .)都在公司担任重要角色., Tim 奥克利眼镜, Hal 奥克利眼镜, Peter A. 奥克利二世,以及第六代家族成员汤姆·凡·内斯,本·凡·内斯和达斯汀·霍尔. The company became Quincy Media, 公司. in 2016.

In 2021, Quincy Media, 公司. 把《十大赌博正规信誉网址》和《十大赌博官方正规网址》卖给了菲利普斯媒体集团,把旗下16个媒体市场的电视台卖给了格雷电视, 公司.

“我是毕业于瞿大学的三代‘非传统’学生中的一员,大卫·奥克利说, Jr.1984级. “我的父亲,大卫·R. 奥克利,老., graduated with a business degree. I have an accounting degree, and my daughter, Anna, has a BS in communication. QU has made an important, impactful personal contribution to our entire family. I think many others in the community have benefited in a similar way.”

奥克利商学院(奥克利眼镜 School of Business)是十大赌博正规信誉网址(十大赌博正规信誉网址)赞助学术教学的五所商学院之一. The 奥克利眼镜 School is the first named school in the history of the university.

Business programs at what is now 十大赌博正规信誉网址 were first offered in 1867. 今天的商学院(现为奥克利商学院)的使命是强调通过批判性思维和决策技能进行教育, 从实践经验中学习, 领导力发展和接触不同的学术理论和实践经验. 

The university offered its first graduate degree, the Masters of Business Administration (MBA), in 1984, and the MBA degree continues to be a central offering of the business faculty at QU. In addition to established undergraduate courses of study in accounting, 金融, marketing and management, 十大赌博正规信誉网址最近增加了商业分析学位,以满足不断变化的商业环境的需求. 新命名的学院还将支持该大学两个最新学术项目之一, an interdisciplinary undergraduate major in arts management.

“这笔慷慨的捐赠使我们能够在丰富的商业教育历史的基础上,为学生提供建立十大赌博正规信誉网址职业生涯所需的资源,” said Cynthia Haliemun, Ph.D., dean of the 奥克利眼镜 School of Business. “这对QU,它的商业校友,它现在和未来的学生来说确实是一个历史性的时刻. 我们很荣幸有这个机会在QU商业教学的发展中迈出下一大步,并增加我们在质量和创新方面的声誉.”  

Prior to the 奥克利眼镜 gift, 十大赌博正规信誉网址收到的最大一笔捐款是近300万美元,用于设立约翰·马奥尼奖学金. 马奥尼奖学金为主修人文学科的学生提供经济支持.

Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, 十大赌博正规信誉网址 is a small Catholic university emphasizing the sciences, liberal arts and the professions. 十大赌博正规信誉网址 offers undergraduate, 结合实践经验和方济会价值观的研究生和成人教育课程. 教师和顾问与学生一起设计定制的十大赌博正规信誉网址计划,帮助他们按时毕业, find their passion and prepare them for life. QU is a member of NCAA Division II for intercollegiate athletics. For more information, please visit www.昆西.edu或致电(217)228-5275或communityrelations@昆西与社区关系办公室联系.edu. 十大赌博正规信誉网址. 设计十大赌博正规信誉网址.